Three Day Quote Challenge: Diary Special!

Once upon a time, Chape Personal Trainer, nominated me for a Three Day Quote Challenge. I was very happy to have been challenged to do something I already loved so much! In my post, I admitted that I loved quotes so much that I have a diary for them. David then requested me to share that diary here on the blog.

David has been so wonderful and helpful that I don’t feel shy about sharing my diary. So, today, I will show that diary here!

Diary 1.jpg
It was something I started out with at least 10 years ago, and I have been writing in it ever since. It has definitely seen better days and good handwriting. In fact, I can honestly track the changes in my handwriting through it!

The quotes were general in the beginning and as my interest developed, I started focussing on certain themes- life, nature, Buddha, sacrifice, education and more. Then I even noted down important sayings, metaphors and proverbs. I also scribbled some smart-ass T-shirt quotes which made me laugh on days when I felt low. I have also found some cult phrases in my diary which were big at that time!

 Diary 2

Challenge rules:

  1. Post three consecutive days.
  2. You can pick one or three quotes per day.
  3. Challenge three different bloggers per day.

 Quotes Directly from the diary:

Diary 3

“It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”
― Rose Kennedy


Someone once asked the Buddha skeptically, “What have you gained through meditation.”

The Buddha replied, “Nothing at all.”

“Then, Blessed One, what good is it.”

“Let me tell you what I lost through meditation: sickness, anger, depression, insecurity, the burden of old age, the fear of death. That is the good of meditation, which leads to nirvana.”


“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”
― Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey


My nominees for today are:

Ineffably Ethereal

Chape Personal Trainer

Pdlyon’s Weblog

18 thoughts on “Three Day Quote Challenge: Diary Special!

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      1. You just have to find one or three quotes a day to post. I did one of these before too. When I got nominated again, I tried to take it to the next level by making each of the three days special, theme-centric. The first day was Shannon L. Adler for me, the second day I made it a Frederich Nietzche special and the third day I shared my diary and quotes directly from it. As it was requested by Chape, who had nominated me for the challenge.

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