Stars Aligning…

I gaze at this moon tonight

Waiting for the stars to shine

Waiting for God to be kind

And as you stand

under the same moon

We bathe in the silver moonlight

We’re not together tonight

Maybe the stars aren’t aligned so right.

I am back! And hoping to post regularly. I have lots to share with the online community and keep my little corner of the world a safe and creative space.

Love and light,


When The Posts Were for No One Ft. Realizations

I have long maintained that my posts are never for someone. And that was true till a while ago. And then it changed a little bit. I met someone who I can attribute at least 4 of my posts to. This was quite a big change for me. Initially I did not want to share those pieces on social media because they seemed more personal and intimate than any of the others I had written for some years. But they are online now, and they don’t look any different than my other posts. Only I would know the difference.

Okay I let in a couple of my friends on the secret too. They were surprised but supporting nonetheless! I make it sound more dire than the situation really is. But it seemed like a crucial milestone to log in the blog. I will not be posting the dates because I remember them anyway. The timestamps have skipped my mind now, which is progress! Haha. Full disclosure: the posts are still abstract, fictional and creative pieces. But the fact that they were born out of emotions after a certain period in time are enough to warrant this whole post!

It was a different time and refreshing experience for me. And to see if it could be discerned from the content of the piece that it was another kind of special. There are happy, fluffy pieces and really dark, heavy poems/haiku that can be attributed to that time. I am glad to report that all of the new pieces are free from the burden of that time or place or person or animal or thing :p Trying to make it light. Thank god it was only those 4 posts and now I’m back to fictionally orchestrated posts. Fancy term for : it came to me like that! One more confession: I cut my nails, voluntarily. To the world it may not seem like a lot. But my friends who understood the enormity of the situation gave me their full reactions. People change their hair as a trans-formative action. For me, it’s nails! Context: I used to be a chronic nail biter. I’ve somehow got over that habit in the last couple of years, so I treasure my natural nails a little bit too much now. Cutting them is a big deal. This post has turned into a life update of sorts.

I don’t know who enjoys reading these random posts, but I’m sure I will fondly look over these later in life (if I live long enough, but that is a topic for another day, haha). Thank you for reading! Hope everyone is keeping busy, staying safe and having fruitful days 🙂

PS. The featured image is from that day, serving as a cool reminder.

Flashback Friday: Phoenix

I’m slowly chipping away
At the pieces of me, you left behind
Rising from the ashes
Like a phoenix ready to shine.

This was written for the prompt: Something you would say to an Ex. So, this applies to all your ex-friends, family and boyfriends/girlfriends. I’m sure there are all kinds of exes you leave behind, or who left you behind. This can be a motivational post because it would give you the push and inspiration to look ahead and be so much more than the person you were in the past. First posted on the blog in September 2018.

Find more of my original prose and poetry on Instagram, Facebook, & Pinterest.

Image Credits: Loui Jover

Ocean of Poetry

I thought I was less for you,

Look now at this ocean of poetry! 

This represents how one could feel inferior in a relationship, or not sufficient. But in this case, it’s visible that the love was true, and immense when a lot of poetry is born in the process. It proves that there is no comparison because so much art, love, poetry and prose have been created by their being in love. It’s a good sign. First posted on the blog in September 2019.

Image Credits: @callmealyne on Instagram.

Wise Words Wednesday: July 8, 2020

Darling, there is no one metaphor that can define you. You are a world unto yourself!

Some positivity for today. I rarely use my own stuff for Wise Words Wednesday but I guess this is inspiring. It always is for me. Hope you have a great day and a great week ahead. Art by @callmealyne on Instagram.

I am posting my poetry and pieces on Instagram daily and some tidbits about my life too.

Tunes of Your Heart

Dancing to the tunes of your heart

I lost myself completely! 

When you find someone who leaves you speechless, that is a different feeling in itself. Especially if you thought always that you were good with words and that whatever you write or say would be enough for Expressing all your feelings. If you have this love or any kind of love: hold on to it tight! Have a great day everyone! Art by Effenemea.


I am posting my poetry and pieces on Instagram daily and some tidbits about my life too.

Not Alone!

“Darling, it’s okay. You don’t have to face the world alone. “
Being an independent person is cool and all but sometimes you need to accept the help. Doing the tough stuff with someone beside you always gives you strength and power to face more. Thanks for reading. Art by @elesq


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