Sunshine Blogger Award!

When my friend Vikram from Blogmaniac nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award, I was pretty happy 😀 Then I read what it stands for, and I was over the moon! This award is given to those who are inspiring and bring sunshine into the lives of their readers and fellow bloggers. It is such an honor to receive!

Who brings sunshine into your day? Let me know in the comments below. It doesn’t have to be a blogger!

Vikram has an amazing, inspirational blog himself. The 13-word stories are my favorite while the regular philosophical posts make you happier and optimistic about life. It is such fun to be nominated by an excellent blogger as him.


The Rules:
  1. Thank the person that nominated you
  2. Answer the questions from the person that nominated you
  3. Nominate some other bloggers for this award
  4. Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you have nominated
  5. Notify the bloggers you have nominated.
My Answers to his questions:

Q: What if WordPress disappears next morning?

As a fairly new blogger, I would honestly freak out. This is my creative release and if I didn’t have this, I would become really cranky. Not getting to read the articles from the other bloggers would also be terrible because I learn so much every day.

Q: What comes to your mind when I say, God?

A positive, all-encompassing entity, who/which has infinite wisdom, power and omnipotence. Strangely, I don’t see a face, just light.

Q: What keeps you motivated?

Knowing that everything happens for a reason and that it will all fall into place, even if it seems horrid at that moment.

Q: What do you expect from your readers?

Oh, I don’t expect anything but I would love for them to keep commenting, with their suggestions. It helps me know that I have someone who thinks my writing is worth something. That is what is so amazing about WordPress that we have like-minded people as a community actually interested in each other’s work.

Q: Which is your favorite tv show?

I can never have only one show that is my fav. I love TV too much. Here’s a list: Dexter, The Office, Gossip Girl, Criminal Minds, Bones, Friends, Game of Thrones, and more!

Q: What makes you angry?

Incompetent people in your team who decide to not work at all. That makes me furious.

Q: Tell two things about your country you dislike most?

Well, the Indian mindset about certain things is definitely a bummer. Also, the lack of hygiene in the rural areas. I really would like for that to improve.

Q: Tell two things which you did this new year and you will remember them throughout the whole year?

I actually started writing more this year. I am glad that I could because I hadn’t done that for a long time. Also, I am reading books more.

Q: Are you a competitor or a cooperative?

Cooperative, I believe.

Q: Who is your favorite author?

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, no doubt. He created Sherlock Holmes and I am obsessed with him and now have all his works.

Here are my nominees for the Award:

Stuck Like a Pincushion

Simply OverAnalysed

Chape Personal Trainer

The Lightning and the Fire


Tunisia Jolyn

Teenage Girl’s Mind

Not Yet

The Persistent Platypus




Peregrinating The Isle Of Life


Randoms by a Random



Questions to my Nominees:

What makes you smile?

What do you do to relax?

What made you start a blog?

What is your biggest dream?

What do you expect from your readers?

What motivates you?

Who/What is the inspiration for your writing?

Congratulations to all the winners. I can’t wait to read your answers!

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